Welcome to Our Chemical-Free Water Conditioning Company
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Welcome to Paso Del Norte

Quality, excellence, reliable service and support in HydroFLOW's chemical-free water conditioning for Mexico...

Some Benefits of the HydroFLOW Technology

Hydro FLOW water conditioners treat limescale and biofilm problems and can enhance filtration efficiency by lowering the TDS [Total Dissolved Solids] in your water.

What sets HydroFLOW apart from other water conditioning technologies?

The difference between Hydropath Technology and other water conditioning technologies is the electrical signal and its capability to condition the liquid solution in the overall system. Not just in one location.

Our Mission Statement

The mission of our firm is to provide complete support to the clients in their current manufacturing processes

What are the applications for HydroFLOW?

Designed according to the challenging applications in industrial, commercial, hospital, hotel and resort and restaurant environments.


Paso Del Norte Agua Soluciones S.A. de C. V., is the distributor for Mexico of the unique HydroFLOW water conditioners, Electronic Water Conditioner that is powered by the patented Hydropath technology. These chemical-free and environmentally friendly devices have been supplied throughout the world for over 20 years, but only recently entered the Mexico market. Over twenty years ago, Hydropath Technology Ltd., located in the U.K., invented a process that treats fluids by inducing a robust yet harmless electrical signal of 150kHz throughout water systems made of any material. The pipe, and/or the fluid inside of it, acts as a conduit which allows the signal to propagate. The induction of the signal prevents scale and biofilm from accumulating inside plumbing systems and gradually removes existing deposits. This action significantly reduces energy, chemical, water and maintenance costs which extends the service life of equipment and pipes.
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